Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What week is this??:)

I wanted to keep up with dates, but it is hard keeping up with what time and week day it is:) Plus having a sinus infection doesn't is bad down here in Texas!! The blessing is, we are surrounded by Doctors who don't just care for Grand, but they care for me that is nice!!

Today VP Biden was here to meet the Warriors and unfortunately we had appointments so we missed him. That may not be a big deal to some of you, but to us it would have been really neat. Biden came to the CFI to meet all the wounded Warriors and spent almost two hours there...Grand would have actually been able to speak to him for a while had he been up there, but we had to go to a procedure for his legs!
The VP came up to the hospital after that but then we were headed back to the CFI for more therapy...after I dropped Grand off, I headed back to the hospital and got to stand 5 ft. from him and he spoke to all of us for a second....and of course my camera was in Grands back pack at the CFI!!!! Oh well....they say people come here all the time to visit the Soldiers:)) EVEN DENZEL:))) Trust me....we won't miss that visit:)))

Every other week the Warrior family Support Center sponsors massages for the Warriors, and family members...SO last night, Grand and I went and got a massage!!! I must say...that was REALLY relaxing!!! We are getting out more when people come visit, like his Cousin Petra who came this past weekend and we all went out for dinner, and then our friends Mar and Lee are coming this weekend, and his Sister is coming the weekend after that.....Rest is so important...but so is getting Grand out more!! I think that is such a part of the healing process, it makes him feel some normalcy.
Today his Doctor/Therapist, told Grand he needs to write a book....he also told him that He see's him inspiring people one day....little does he know!!! He already inspires me daily...!!!

Grand had a procedure done on his left leg today....he had known about it for two days and I think it stressed him out a little....anticipating pain, especially when they tell you it is a painful procedure does not help. In fact I know it did bother him knowing because his blood pressure was really HIGH!!! They had to inject "BOTOX" of all things into his leg to help relax the muscles where bones are growing within. This is opposed to having surgery...which we don't want, but it will help the legs get ready for prosthetics!! He got through it fine and hopefully this will work!!

Day by day he is still improving, and the only hard part of this whole process is being away from the boys...but I get to go home for a few days while his Mom comes to stay with Grand. He is working his way to Independence but is not ready to be alone yet...he will get there in no time. They actually encourage him to do almost everything on his own now, but the wife and nurturer in me cannot let go yet:))


  1. that's my girl :0) don't let go.

  2. Great post with your enjoy those extras that you can get ie massage ... those will help you in your staying strong during this recover time. God Bless you two!
