Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 29 and 30

Well as most of you read on Caring Bridge...they finally moved Grand out of the ICU!!! It was kind of like moving your child from Preschool to the 5th grade automatically, because the next step after this floor, is to move him over to live with me where I am staying.
That sounds SO unbelievable!!!! They told us yesterday it would be 2-3 weeks and he is out, then today, they told us it would be sometime next week!!!
Now this doesn't mean they are done with us, it just means, I will be his caregiver and we will stay together right across the street from the hospital and make a daily visit there for care. This hospital also has one of the top Intrepid centers in the world for prosthetics, therapy, and more!!!
I am not going to lie when I tell you....I thought we were going to be here for A LONG time!!! Never in my wildest dreams would I believe if they told me when he got here that we would be out of inpatient care within two months! I don't even think the nurses and Doctors could have told you that!! Two Docs left his room yesterday walking down the hall and I could hear them saying, "AMAZING".....
We found out yesterday, Grand has permanent hearing loss in his left ear....he also has some vision problems, but I am sure they can fix that....
Today he got in his manual wheelchair and rode himself on down to the front of the hospital.....he is progressing so well! We also put some real clothes on him and went to visit his nurses in the ICU and they came in to check on him as well, we miss the ICU Nurses really bad, but we are so happy he is making progress!
All in all, I am thankful and constantly in awe of what GOD, Grand, the Medical team, and what your prayers have accomplished in such a short amount of time....before you know it, we will be home, and Grand will be walking again!!! I cannot wait for that day!!


  1. Hey Grand, you coming back home for spring break? I am excited and thrilled that you are doing so very extremely fantastically well. God is blessing His servant. Thanks for all you do,
    Stephen Stilley

  2. Speechless... except for unending words of thankfulness to our God...

  3. Not our prayers, but God Himself working thru them! Praising Him for all He has done! And doing my happy dance, of course!!! (You really don't want to see that...and NO comments about my rhythm!!!) I love you, Carrie! and Grand! and Noah and Nathan!!

  4. Such wonderful news! I can't wait to tell Rick! God has been SO good to hear the prayers of His children. What an awesome birthday present for YOU and Noah! I know your boys are counting the days until they can be reunited with their parents. I'm joining Tammy in that happy dance ;o) and will be thanking God AGAIN for His tender mercies! Will continue to lift the whole family up in prayer. Btw, my doctor's son is an eye surgeon who works at the hospital down there, maybe Grand will meet him. I've told my doc all about Grand and the progress he has made. Love you guys and am looking forward to reading more good news!

  5. This makes me tear up with joy. Such wonderful news!!!!!
